Archbishop Welby is out, but who will replace him? 2024 was a bad year for religious news Nth. Africa to get new Bishop TEC embraces trans insanity but confronts US parental reality Nearly 50 Churches affected by California Fires The price of abuse My new substack on the Middle East
Placing the term “progressive” in front of “Christian” makes it seem like a “new and improved” version of Christianity. It acts as though it belongs in the same camp as biblical Christianity, but it does not embrace any of its fundamental beliefs. The truth is, progressive Christians not only sharply oppose biblical Christianity, but do not consider themselves to be biblical Christians. Let me put it bluntly: Progressive Christians are “doctrine deniers.” – Jason Jimenez
The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve. -- John Stott
The mainstream denominations have reduced the once omnipotent and compassionate Lord God Almighty of the Bible to the level of a political activist, moralising self-help guru, or doddering grandfather existing only to approve of whatever his grandchildren get up to. Is it any wonder that people refuse to listen to such churches. – Campbell Campbell-Jack
“Where there is grace, there will be conflict. The believer is a soldier. There is no holiness without a warfare.” -- J.C. Ryle
The Enlightenment and its commitment to bare rationality which did so much to undermine Christianity is now being undermined by the deconstruction of post-modernism and its successors. As a consequence, the West is adrift without a coherent guiding principle. – Campbell Campbell-Jack
Christianity in the U.S. remains vastly diverse. However, as regular churchgoers’ numbers shrink, so does some of that diversity. And it is shrinking in a decided direction, toward conservative Protestantism. – Michael Emerson
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
January 17, 2025
THE departure of Justin Welby from his role as Archbishop of Canterbury and as titular head of the Anglican Communion brought sighs of relief from across the Anglican world; but none more so than from within the Church of England which has lived under his gross incompetence and tyranny for twelve years.
That a dozen or more global, mainly African archbishops who represent nearly 80 percent of the communion no longer recognize the Archbishop of Canterbury as primus inter pares, or even as their spiritual leader, speaks volumes.
As former Anglican devotee Dr. Gavin Ashenden noted, Welby failed the parishes by demoralizing them, he failed the Anglican Communion by being unable to restrain his progressive partisanship, he failed the organization by 'doing management' badly, and he failed the country by offering it socialism instead of Christianity. He is probably the worst Archbishop of Canterbury in living memory. Only historians are equipped to judge whether he was the worst Archbishop of all time.
I have lived and worked under five archbishops beginning with Donald Coggan. I have spoken and interviewed most of them. I was a theological student in London in the 60s when Geoffrey Fisher was archbishop, but the ministry of John Stott was far more engaging than that of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The question now is who will replace Welby; but the deeper question is does it really matter? Whoever it is, you can’t put the evangelical genie back in the bottle. That day is done. No Anglo-Catholic would even be considered. It will either be an Affirming Catholic or an out and out progressive.
Here are a few names, but the one to watch for is the Iranian-born Bishop of Chelmsford, Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani, the most likely candidate with her background. Dame Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London; Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich, Martyn Snow, Bishop of Leicester; Rose Hudson-Wilkin, and Bishop of Dover, Helen-Ann Hartley, Bishop of Newcastle are among others to watch.
For the moment the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell is in charge, a man whom many believe should also step down for his safeguarding failures, but steadfastly refuses to do so. He believes that Welby took one for the team therefore he doesn’t need too. I wrote about why Archbishop Cottrell must go here: https://www.virtueonline.org/post/why-the-archbishop-of-york-must-go
This week there were more calls for heads to roll following the Makin Report revelations of John Smyth’s sadistic sexual activities with young men.
One scholar, Christopher Brittain, dean of divinity and professor of Anglican studies at the University of Toronto’s Trinity College, says members of the Anglican Communion frustrated with the Church of England may feel emboldened in calling for change, and this may sway to some extent the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC), which is responsible for appointing the Archbishop of Canterbury.
“What could be part of the conversation is, ‘Yes, we can see the importance of signalling to the Communion and maybe even to the Church of England that we’re open to change,’” Brittain says. He says this could mean the nomination of someone with ethnic origins outside the U.K. or from outside the U.K. altogether!
Whoever wins will preside over a dying institution that is now almost impossible to revive.
To no one’s surprise there was virtually no good religious news stories this past year. 2024 was mostly bad, even repellent.
Highlighting the year’s top Anglican news was the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby over the cover-up and concealment of an evangelical layman’s sadistic behavior with more than 100 young men across two continents. Welby took responsibility and exited himself from Lambeth Palace.
A former archbishop, George Carey also got caught in the safeguarding net and tossed in his Permission to Officiate (PTO) and exited the pulpit. Another archbishop, John Sentamu of York had already resigned over similar charges and the push is now on for Stephen Cottrell, the present Archbishop of York to step down over failed safeguarding issues.
As the Mother Church fades into the sunset, the good news is that the Global South continues to rise, and its leadership strengthens by the day, inevitably pushing the Church of England to the margins. The CofE is facing death by a thousand cuts, more spiritually devastating than a layman’s cane.
The worldwide persecution of Christians continues apace with no sign of it letting up any time soon. Islam remains the single most persecuting religion in the world, happy to kill Christians while screaming Islamophobia at anyone who dares accuse them of murder. Nigeria remains at the top of the nation's most Christians are murdered. It is also the largest Anglican province in the communion.
The sun is setting on Western Anglicanism, with the Anglican Church of Canada, by its own admission, roiling in its death throes. The Episcopal Church is watching as dioceses are forced to merge just to stay afloat as congregations shrink, with aging Episcopalians and their checkbooks close as they head to columbariums.
THE DIOCESE OF NORTH AFRICA is seeking a new bishop. There are five candidates in the offing. They are; Emad Basillos, (Egypt) Frank Bernardi, (US) Yasir Kuku, (South Sudan), Ashley Null, (US) and Medhat Sabry (Egypt). The see of North Africa might not be large, but it has historic value and precedent. It also won’t go woke. Who after all could write in their memoir that they stood in the line of St. Augustine and embraced gay marriage!
WILDFIRES in southern California have captured national attention. The following is a breakdown of churches that have gone, damaged, threatened or been evacuated.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Altadena — GONE!
Altadena Community Church in Altadena — GONE!
Altadena United Methodist Church in Altadena — GONE!
Community United Methodist Church in Pacific Palisades — Gone!
Pasadena Jewish Temple in Pasadena — GONE!
Pacific Crossroads Church in Santa Monica — GONE!
Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Pacific Palisades — GONE!
Kinneloa Church of Christ in Pasadena — GONE!
Altadena Baptist Church in Altadena — GONE!
Masjid Al Taqwa Mosque in Altadena — GONE!
St. Matthew’s Episcopal School in Pacific Palisades — GONE!
Sahag-Mesrob Armenian Christian School in Altadena — GONE!
Lifeline Fellowship in Altadena — GONE!
Altadena Church of the Nazarene in Altadena — GONE!
Pasadena Church of Christ — GONE!
Fountain of Life Church in Altadena — GONE!
Mater Dolorosa Hermitage in Sierra Madre — GONE!
St. Mark's Episcopal School in Altadena — GONE!
Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church in Pacific Palisades — GONE!
Jewish Chabad Center in Palisades Village — GONE!
St. Elizabeth Catholic School in Altadena — Gone!
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church twin rectories in Pacific Palisades — GONE!
Theosophical Society Library in Altadena — GONE!
Altadena Baptist Church in Altadena — GONE!
Scripps Home Gloria Cottage at the MonteCedro Episcopal Retirement Community in Altadena — GONE!
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Pacific Palisades — Damaged!
Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre — Damaged!
Calvary Chapel in Pacific Palisades — Damaged!
Hillside Tabernacle Church of God in Christ in Altadena — Damaged!
Corpus Christi Catholic School in Pacific Palisades — Damaged!
Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church in Hollywood — Threatened!
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Hollywood — Threatened!
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Pasadena — Threatened!
Ascension Episcopal Church in Sierra Madre — Threatened!
St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Studio City — Threatened!
Palisades Lutheran Church in Pacific Palisades — Threatened!
Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Altadena — Threatened!
St. Linus Catholic Church in Norwalk — Threatened!
Ascension Catholic Church in Pasadena — Threatened!
St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Pasadena — Threatened!
First Baptist Church in Pasadena — Threatened!
Calvary School in Pacific Palisades — Threatened!
First Christian Science Church in Altadena — Threatened!
St. Monica's Catholic Church in Santa Monica — Threatened!
MonteCedro Episcopal Retirement Community in Altadena — Evacuated!
All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena — Evacuation Center!
St. Paul’s Commons Episcopal Retreat Center in Echo Park — Evacuation Center!
The Covington Episcopal Retirement Community in Aliso Viejo — Evacuation Center!
No ACNA churches are in the fire zones that has seen 6,528 wildfires burning 1,001,993 acres in California. At least 24 people are believed to be dead in the California fires, with more than a dozen others remaining unaccounted for.
VOL’s own researcher Mary Ann Mueller has written an excellent story which you can read here: https://www.virtueonline.org/post/gone-gone-gone-california-wildfires-reduce-churches-to-smoldering-ashes
Niall McCrae believes the devastation symbolizes something much bigger: the fall of Western civilization. California would be a fitting site for such a human tragedy: it is home to the most affluent people in the world, from Hollywood celebrities to Big Tech innovators, who have emphatically supported the Democrat party. You can read more here: https://www.virtueonline.org/post/civilisation-collapses-as-la-burns
Three in four people in Britain polled support a national inquiry into the prolific and harrowing rape of the nation’s children by insatiate “grooming gangs.” Yet, contrary to public will, the UK Labour Government last week voted against commissioning an investigation into this enduring horror.
Public consciousness of child sexual exploitation in the United Kingdom reached an inflection point this winter after victims shared account after gut-churning account of sexual savagery and careless murder being perpetrated against underage white girls by Pakistani-Muslim men up and down the country. These brave survivors recount how police and social workers were complicit in their abuse, losing evidence, asserting that children could consent, and failing to investigate rapes for fear of being called racist. In one instance, a girl had a morning-after pill forced into her mouth by a police officer.
A senior Church of England official told VOL that he is not aware of any comment by anyone representing the Church of England, not even local clergy. Nobody wants to be seen as “Islamophobic”. These are the dark ages, he said.
While antisemitism rages around the globe, one Anglican archbishop has stepped up to the plate and condemned it in his own backyard.
Sydney Archbishop Kanishka Raffel wrote saying, “I am taking the step of expressing the dismay of many Sydney Anglcians at grotesque acts of antisemites in our city. Syndey Anglican welcome and affirm the presence and contributions of Jewish Australians for whom Sydney is the home we share and whose peace, prosperity and harmony is our common commitment.
Nearly half of all people worldwide hold elevated levels of antisemitic attitudes, according to the latest Global 100 survey conducted by ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) and coordinated with Ipsos and other research partners. The survey found that 46 percent of the world’s adult population – an estimated 2.2 billion people – harbor deeply entrenched antisemitic attitudes, more than double compared to ADL’s first worldwide survey a decade ago and the highest level on record since ADL started tracking these trends globally.
Episcopalians are the most highly educated Protestant denomination, followed by the PCUSA and the ELCA. The only trope that the mainline is filled with the ‘well to do’ is empirically true. Of course, being intellectually smarter than everybody else doesn’t mean such churches make good decisions. If they did, they would not be sinking numerically.
Here is the decline in membership of the Seven Sisters of Mainline Protestant Christianity;
American Baptist: -24%
Disciples of Christ: -74%
Evangelical Lutheran: -45%
Presbyterian Church USA: -62%
Episcopal: -36%
United Church of Christ: - 57%
United Methodist: -40%
To reinforce the point that The Episcopal Church has gone out of its mind on sexuality issues, TransEpiscopal, a group that advocates for more inclusive church policies toward transgender people, joined The Episcopal Church’s Department of Gender Justice and Department of Racial Reconciliation, Justice and Creation Care in hosting a Jan. 13 webinar titled “Defending the Dignity of Trans and Non-Binary People in 2025 and Beyond.” Nearly 700 people registered for the Zoom event.
Aaron Scott, the church’s gender justice officer and a trans man, stresses the need for Episcopalians to collectively advocate for transgender and nonbinary rights, not individually.
But a new poll reveals the American public is pushing back on transgender and nonbinary positions. A new survey shows that a vast majority of US parents oppose this wokeism from infecting public schools.
The poll, sponsored by the parental rights advocacy group Parents Defending Education and conducted by CRC Research, is based on responses collected from 1,000 American parents of children 18 years old or younger from Dec. 12-18, 2024.
You would think that ordinary Episcopalians reading this should put trans insanity behind them and join the world of normal and insist on a male-female foundation for sexual ethics. But apparently that is not going to happen.
"Hate speech" nowadays is usually nothing more than speech that the Left hates, particularly any questioning of the "trans" or "gay" agenda. The Left is also great at using hateful speech against faithful Christians, says Robert A. J. Gagnon a sexual ethics theologian.
The Episcopal Church is out of step with the vast majority of Americans and 80 million Anglicans globally. Not even the Church of England has openly embraced transgenderism, though give it time and it probably will.
The church still has a role to play in terms of being salt and light for the culture at large in matters of sexual ethics. Now is the time to speak out if this insanity is to be reversed.
TO READ MORE CLICK HERE: https://www.virtueonline.org/post/episcopal-church-swings-with-the-culture-on-transgender-issues
One scholar who has single-handedly stripped homosexuality of its hold on the church and society is Robert Gagnon’s 2002 opus magnum The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics. It has been the answer to many who struggled with the issue. The meticulously researched and rigorously argued 500-page tome refutes every possible argument progressive scholars have raised in the last three decades. Its use of the Bible’s original languages and insight into the ancient world is unparalleled, writes Jules Gomes, himself a scholar and journalist.
Gagnon is an evangelical Presbyterian scholar who has devoted his life to almost single-handedly dissecting and debunking every avant-garde argument that raises its hydra-head against the biblical teaching on homosexuality. Unlike most scholars, he does this through his online lectures, website, debates, articles, and Facebook and X accounts. You can read more here: https://www.virtueonline.org/post/refuting-woke-evangelicals-who-believe-god-has-belatedly-repented-of-homophobia-1
THE PRICE OF ABUSE. Over two decades, Catholic dioceses, eparchies and men’s religious communities spent more than $5 billion on allegations of sexual abuse of minors, according to a new report released by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University.
Between 2004 and 2023, three-fourths of the $5.025 billion reported was paid to abuse victims. Seventeen percent went to pay attorneys’ fees, 6% was in support for alleged abusers and 2% went toward other costs. On average, only 16% of the costs related to the allegations was borne by insurance companies.
We have begun the transition to a new website. It will take a while to place over 35,000 stories in the archives and reconfigure the front page. Please bear with us. A transition like this is time consuming and costly and we could use some financial assistance to make it happen. We need specialists and consultants who can help make the change and transition possible; meanwhile the writing goes on.
Please consider a tax-deductible donation. A PayPal donation link can be found here: http://www.virtueonline.org/support.html
If you are more inclined with old fashioned checks, (as I am), you can send your donation to:
P.O. Box 111
Shohola, PA 18458
Warmly in Christ,
I have begun a substack on the Middle East. In light of so much written on Israel, prophecy and the Bible, I felt constrained, with the help of some scholars, to look at events there and how they are playing out in today’s world in the light of Scripture. You can access my substack here: https://davidvirtue2.substack.com/
IN my latest piece I argue that the deal being cut with Gaza and Hamas is no deal at all. Some 33 Israeli hostages are being bartered for an unknown number of jailed Palestinians. Hamas still stays in power; that apparently is part of the deal, but non-starter for Netanyahu. This is not what Bibi Netanyahu agreed to, nor has he fought for this for all these months.
He has said repeatedly, no Hamas left in power and all the hostages must be returned. On this he is 100 percent clear. The Prime Minister has nowhere argued that half a loaf is better than none.
What do the negotiators not understand about that? You can read more here: https://substack.com/home/post/p-154948235
Your comment, "Of course, being intellectually smarter than everybody else doesn't mean such churches make good decisions. If they did, they would not be sinking numerically," seems strinkingly similar to Jesus' saying,"Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds."
Great quote from John Stott -- relevant not just to church leaders but all leaders.