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Why the TEC House of Bishop's Statement will not 'mend the torn fabric"

Why the TEC House of Bishop's Statement will not 'mend the torn fabric"


Global South Anglican

The addition of "(1) The House acknowledges that non-celibate gay and lesbian persons are included among those to whom B033 pertains" may be read as a significant change or clarification to B033 but it is not. It is a worthless "sequitur" statement which don't add anything. After all, we know that B033 pertains to anyone, including 'non-celibate gay and lesbian persons."

It does not affect the intent of B033 which avoids responding to the specific Windsor language of regret/repentance or Dar es salem's request for clarification in this regard. B033 should be reworded to address specifically what caused the tear in the first place and make specific mention that they will not consecrate again such persons. But we all know that this is not possible from the HOB. Nothing changes in this direction. What has been consistently coming across is "Yes, we know it is very painful for you. It is also for us. But we cannot and will not change." But pity alone is not enough to heal this kind of tear.

The lack of understanding of how the 2003 act has caused grief (breaking trust) to the Communion and genuine repentance from this act also explains their request for Gene Robinsons to be included in Lambeth 2008 and a lack of sympathy for the pastoral intrusions, which were initiated based on requests from their own ranks. It is time that Communion leaders respond to orthodox Anglicans and not marginalized them due to polity reasons and I cannot see how conservative GS Primates will abandon them, which will be a deep pastoral error.

Given the pain the Communion has experienced, a repeated call for active listening process, though Windsor-compliant, is foolhardy as it will tear dioceses and Provinces apart (thus Church of England Synod's refusal to table the issue), let alone Lambeth Conference. I don't disagree with the need. But time needs to be given for the tear to heal and it is pastoral and leadership madness to deal with this divisive issues after all the pain it has caused and will cause if it remains in the forefront of how the Communion relate together. TEC HOB's requests for this underlines their determination to 'converse to convert' and remain actively in the communion processes to convince the rest of then world that their actions are right and 'prophetic.' It is a bizarre reaction to the crisis they have caused.

The fabric remain as torn as it did in 2003. Unless some HOB bishops has the leadership guts to lead TEC out of her current direction, fudging the issues will only continue the pain and division in the Communion. It is best that those who are determine to pursue the 2003 action indicate clearly their desire to 'walk apart' so that the rest of the Communion can move on with her life and core business. Perhaps the Covenant can do the work to mend the net and for TEC to return via that channel. This will truly 'save the Communion', a phrase that has been bandid around but it is obvious that most seem concern to 'save TEC' and help her keep her status as an official member of the Communion.


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