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RIO GRANDE: Diocese Requests Alternative Oversight for Parishes fleeing TEC

RIO GRANDE: Diocese Requests Alternative Oversight for Parishes fleeing the Episcopal Church

By David W. Virtue

The Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande has passed two resolutions asking the Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church for alternative oversight for parishes wanting to leave the diocese and the national Episcopal Church.

In a letter to the diocese, the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey N. Steenson, said that The Standing Committee, Property Trustees and Diocesan Council met recently in El Paso and unanimously requested alternative pastoral care recommended by the Primates, arguing that it is the best available option to keep its congregations together.

The actions of the Episcopal Church have "deeply alienated" the diocese from mainstream Anglicanism, he said. The diocese voted 17-1 to ask the Presiding Bishop for alternative oversight with "a negotiated rather than litigated solution."

"It is our hope that we will not have to face such a painful moment, and we will work diligently to keep the lines of communication open between the diocese and congregations deeply alienated from the actions of the Episcopal Church especially since 2003," wrote Steenson.

"The effect of losing the active participation of even one or two of our larger congregations would be substantial, and we looked realistically at that scenario. Your diocesan leadership certainly does not have its head in the sand about the steps that need to be taken should this occur."

Steenson said the diocese has in Convocation made a commitment to the "Windsor Process," the approach commended by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican Consultative Council, and the Primates based on the Windsor Report's recommendations for maintaining communion amongst the member churches of the Anglican Communion."

The diocese then passed a resolution "to pursue settlement through negotiation rather than litigation should one of its member parishes or self-supporting missions seek to sever its relationship to the Diocese and the Episcopal Church."

The diocese then passed a resolution saying that any congregation strongly considering departing from the diocese and the Episcopal Church should do so temporarily "for a season of discernment while maintaining membership in the diocese and TEC."

In such a withdrawal, following a congregational vote an agreement will be drawn up that would "address fair share and other issues such as voting membership in deaneries, convocation, and all committees and commissions." The agreement will be reviewed annually.

The diocese also voted enthusiastically to endorse the Pastoral Scheme set forth by the Primates of the Anglican Communion at their February meeting in Dar-es-Salaam.


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