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OXFORD: Wycliffe Hall: doing very nicely, thank you

OXFORD: Wycliffe Hall: doing very nicely, thank you

From the Revd Dr Richard Turnbull
August 24, 2007

Sir, - Your report on the review of Permanent Private Halls at Oxford (News, 10 August) needs further context in respect of Wycliffe Hall.

Personally, I welcome this review as it gives us an opportunity for the consolidation of our relationship with the University. Almost all of the structural and governance recommendations are already in place at Wycliffe, as would be expected for a Hall, which, along with Regent's Park, is considerably larger than the others.

As regard breadth of opinion and thought, the report does not say: "some of those at Wycliffe Hall told the panel that the Evangelical tradition was not exclusive, and that a range of opinion exists there;" rather, it says: "those to whom the panel spoke within the Hall consistently argued that the tradition was not exclusive and that a range of opinion existed among both academic staff and students."

Academic standards at Wycliffe are not questioned. In any event, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The Norrington Table places Wycliffe in first place among the PPHs for our academic results for 2007, perhaps a more objective measure of both standards and breadth.

Interestingly, the review described Wycliffe's internal management and decision-making structures as "coherent and well-designed", with "a clear allocation of responsibilities and reporting lines, based upon a classic organisation of college committees".

There are some genuine questions to ask about school-leaver undergraduates; though, for Wycliffe, three out of the four admissions in this category for 2007 placed Wycliffe as their first choice.

Wycliffe Hall is very well placed indeed to embrace and develop these recommendations to the benefit of the Hall, our students, the Church, and the wider University.

Wycliffe Hall
Oxford OX2 6PW

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