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NEW ORLEANS: Episcopal Priest tells horror story of riots and more

NEW ORLEANS: Episcopal Priest tells horror story of riots and more


by The Rev. Jerry Kramer
September 1, 2005 AD, 9:45am

Dear All,

The situation here is unimaginable. We are totally unprepared for what is becoming worse by the minute. Hundreds of thousands of people are showing up in Baton Rouge -- no end in sight. New Orleans has been entirely looted and the violence is moving our way. Riot at the local Walmart here in BR last night.

The courthouse here in BR was just evacuated of all personnel for fear of violence. 30,000 military are on the way. New born babies, new moms and expecting moms showing up here at St. Luke's, being life-flighted here. No room at area hospitals.

There are 500 buses gearing up to leave the Super Dome in N.O., seventy five have left thus far. Not telling the people where they are going. Last night a caravan of these buses were abandoned by their drivers on the side of the road. The people were left to sit there. We have folks showing up around the clock with no clothes, no water, nothing. Many traumatized from seeing bodies floating in the water.

A young couple from arrived here for Mass last night from Mississippi in nervous breakdown condition from what they witnessed. As for the Kramers, we have two days worth of clothes and are quite sure our house is gone with most of what we own on the first floor -- now under water. We also believe the church has taken on water. Not sure what we will return to and the authorities are saying it could be four months before allowed back in. They will have to rebuild the entire power grid once the water is drained from the City.

I have three indigent individuals and a family of three with a teenage daughter in tow, all staying here temporarily at St. Luke's. I'd like to get Stacy and the kids to Texas but we don't know if the roads are open and safe.

Folks have offered to help and we are desperate. There are national relief funds coming in but we are doing immediate triage and short of cash. We will (eventually) be reimbursed but that could be a while. Need to buy essential supplies plus find temporary housing all around the country for the displaced.

The address here is: St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Attn: Hurricane Relief Fund, 8833 Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806. A friend has offered to purchase a cell phone with a Baton Rouge prefix: no 504 numbers are working. We could use a satellite phone, which is about $700.

If people can eventually get supplies directly to us here in Baton Rouge (please, make no plans to get into N.O. for a long while if you are thinking along those lines, they are still evacuating the City and the violence is out of control), we need the following: diapers, depends, sanitary products, toothbrushes and toothpaste. All of these items have run out in Baton Rouge. Please keep us in your prayers. Tomorrow we hope to have a Pay Pal link for relief set up on St. Luke's website, but nothing is coming easy right now.


--The Rev'd Jerry and Stacy Kramer, Church of the Annunciation in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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