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AMBRIDGE, PA: Trinity's Plans and Preparation for Hurricane Katrina underway

AMBRIDGE, PA: Trinity's Plans and Preparation for Hurricane Katrina underway

by John Macdonald

The first meeting of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry's hurricane response team took place yesterday with a unified commitment to help the people of the Mississippi Gulf Coast in the wake of the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

Forty-one students and members of the extended Trinity community are committed to going. The Rev. Canon John A. Macdonald, Director of Trinity's Stanway Institute for World Mission and Evangelism, outlined the training and preparation schedule and what the team would be expected to do once it arrived in Ocean Springs, MS, on October 14.

The Rev. Marcia King, Assistant Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church there, and a Trinity alumna, said in a telephone conversation this week that clean-up and pastoral care are going to be two of the greatest needs. Those affected by the hurricane are already showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome, and the presence of the Trinity team will be very helpful in the recovery process. The team will pray for people, listen to their accounts of the hurricane, and minister to them during this time of great tragedy.

In terms of physical needs, the Rev. King suggested that cards for varying amounts of money be purchased from stores such as Loew's, Home Depot, Wal-Mart and Sears. These stores are now operating in the Ocean Springs area. The use of these cards will do two things: a) Allow personal dignity to be maintained since the recipients will be able to make their own choices, and b) It will help the local economy.

The American Anglican Council, with its headquarters in Atlanta, GA, has graciously provided a generous donation of $5,000. 00 for the Trinity hurricane response team to buy these cards. They will be referred to as "Rebuilding Cards" to emphasize the rebuilding that is taking place in the lives of the Gulf Coast residents.

Trinity is partnering with the South American Missionary Society (SAMS-USA) in this endeavor. Mrs. Lynn Bouterse, Director of Short-term mission, will be accompanying the team and will be coordinating pre-trip preparation and training.

Financial support for the hurricane response team itself is still needed.

Please make checks payable to: Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and make a notation in the margin stating: Stanway/Hurricane Katrina.

Online credit card donations can also be made via the Trinity web site: www.tesm.edu

In the drop down menu, choose: The Stanway Institute or Stanway/Hurricane Katrina

The Rev. Canon John A. Macdonald is Director of The Stanway Institute for World Mission and Evangelism Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry 311 Eleventh Street Ambridge, PA 15003. He can be reached at:
(724) 266-3838 Ext. 235 (724) 266-4617 (fax)


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