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Churches need to be prepared for Supreme Court ruling on Marriage

Churches need to be prepared for Supreme Court ruling on Marriage

By David W. Virtue DD
June 20, 2015

A Supreme Court ruling could come down any day now and faithful biblical churches need to be ready, says Dr. Kenyn M. Cureton, Vice President for Church Ministries of the Family Research Council.

If the ruling goes wrongly and marriage is "redefined," the good news is that you will not be forced to perform same-sex ceremonies. However, the bad news is that your church may well be vulnerable to civil suits because of non-discrimination ordinances and laws in the wake of the Court ruling, he says.

The solution...review your core church documents and update them now to reflect your Biblical beliefs on marriage.

In partnership with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the family Research Council is providing expert advice on developing a statement on marriage as well as adjusting your church's Constitution and Bylaws, language for Property Use documents, Employment policies and procedures, etc.

These vital documents can be found here: http://www.watchmenpastors.org/get.cfm?c=WOTW_MARRIAGE_RULING&email=doug.miles@gpe-inc.com

By doing so, you will also be counted as a P3 pastor, who is praying for the nation, preaching the whole counsel of God, and partnering with other pastors in light of the escalating assaults on Faith, Family and Freedom.

In the wake of this ruling, churches could be challenged legally because faithful pastors won't rent their facilities for a same-sex commitment ceremony, hire a cross-dresser for the church's daycare, etc. "If your guiding documents are clear and reflect your Biblical beliefs, you will be in a much better defensive position," says Cureton.

"The Alliance Defending Freedom http://www.alliancedefendingfreedom.org/ is there to represent you when you are challenged legally. Let us know when trouble comes, and together with ADF, we will stand with you."


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