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VOL Viewpoints
November 10 2006 By virtueonline FAREWELL Frank...Schori's investiture...Bennison's Behavior..Bruno's Blast..more

Welcome to The Episcopal Church USA
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at The Episcopal Church USA
What a nice surprise,
bring your alibis
You can checkout any time you like,
But you can never leave!

---With Apologies to the Eagles

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

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November 02 2006 By virtueonline WILLIAMS will meet with Global South leaders to formalize split...Diocesan News

What he said was that he was not really seeking APO at all, but something called a "commissary" status. A commissary, according to Wikipedia, is someone delegated by a superior to execute a duty or an office; in a formal, legal context, one who has received power from a legitimate superior authority to pass judgment in a certain cause or to take information concerning it.

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October 26 2006 By virtueonline CONNECTICUT Bishop's arrogance...Dallas Dithers...Rio Grande says no to Schori

Consider what happened in the DIOCESE OF CONNECTICUT. Bishop Andrew D. Smith spelled it out in no uncertain terms. He took the gloves off at his diocesan convention and ripped into the "Ct. (orthodox) Six" as they have become known and he said this: "Let me be clear: I cannot and will not grant a status - alternative episcopal oversight -- that is not permitted by the canons of our Church.

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October 19 2006 By virtueonline Panel of Reference Fails Orthodox...New Parishes in Oklahoma, Texas, more flee

The Panel of Reference was supposed to have saved the day and provided a safe harbor for Evangelicals and Anglo Catholics caught in the Tsunami actions of revisionist bishops in North America, and in other parts of the Anglican Communion. Regrettably the report they delivered, failed.

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October 12 2006 By virtueonline Marriage, multi-culturalism, masculinity haunt CofE. TEC reports, parishes flee

Did he or didn't he? That is to say, did the Archbishop of Canterbury initiate the Camp Allen meeting or was he merely a passive bystander. It all depends on who you ask. Did the two U.K. bishops speak on his behalf or didn't they? In the letter of invitation Don Wimberly the Bishop of Texas said the ABC had been party to the discussions and that they came with his blessing, but not expressly on his orders.

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October 04 2006 By virtueonline Florida in free fall...ABC told to crack down on gays or face Lambeth boycott...

Even as The Episcopal Church comes unglued with tens of thousands of fleeing Episcopalians, hundreds of parish priests either fighting for or leaving their properties and eight orthodox dioceses seeking spiritual shelter away from the church, Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold opines that "we need to get down to basics and be one body across the globe". Quoth Griswold, "I find it fascinating and energizing."

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September 26 2006 By virtueonline TEC Divorce Inevitable...Primates to set up new structure...Schori out...more

The U.S. event brought together some 21 Windsor Bishops to Camp Allen, Texas.

There one page statement boiled down to this one paragraph: "It is our hope and prayer that through our fellowship we can contribute to the renewal of our Province's life within the Communion."

You can read the full letter to the HOB here:

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September 19 2006 By virtueonline Bishops' talks fail...Quincy quits TEC...Plano punts...CNY diocese in free fall

NEW YORK CITY: So what happened in New York City where a number of orthodox and heterodox bishops met to confer on the Episcopal Church's future? A bishop with inside knowledge said the meeting started out with hopes that some sort of deal could be cut to allow the APO bishops to leave the Episcopal Church. They were talking about APO, and Schori was open to it, and something was in the works by Tuesday evening. By Wednesday morning it all fell apart.

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September 14 2006 By virtueonline NEW ORLEANS: Baptized in dirty water...Bishops fail to reach compromise...more

NEW ORLEANS: A FEMA representative burst into the office trailer of the Free Church of the Annunciation to tell us all that suicides in Plaquemins Parish, where the eye of the hurricane blew in a year ago were up, and those dying were not just old people over 80, but 40-year old couples who had lost hope, with little insurance money, no jobs and no future. They take pills or a bullet...and it is all over.

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September 06 2006 By virtueonline SEPTEMBER: Show down in NY and Texas..Anglican Parishes open..ECUSA parishes die

Two significant events will take place in September.

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