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VOL Viewpoints
June 09 2007 By virtueonline Violators of Lambeth Resolution Should be Nixed...Tolerance, Not...Diocesan News

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

There is no point, said a group of African Primates in February 2006, "in meeting and meeting and not resolving the fundamental crisis of Anglican identity. We will definitely not attend any Lambeth Conference to which the violators of the Lambeth Resolution are also invited as participants or observers."

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May 25 2007 By virtueonline Doing The Lambeth Waltz..10 Bishops Rejected...Schori Nixes Entries in Wikipedia

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May 24, 2007

A major power struggle is shaping up in the Anglican Communion.

This week the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, sent out over 800 invitations to the bishops of the Anglican Communion inviting them to next year's Lambeth Conference in Canterbury.

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May 18 2007 By virtueonline All to Come to Lambeth 2008...Ft. Worth turns up heat on Schori...more

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The burning question is this: who will go to Lambeth in 2008? Informed sources tell VirtueOnline that it will be all (rather than a partial) invitation.

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April 20 2007 By virtueonline Global Call to Evangelize...Williams says Gay OK...Lambeth 2008 is on...More

They came from the four corners of the earth. From Tibet to Bolivia, from Southeast Asia to Florida, from East Africa to Pennsylvania, nearly 1,000 evangelically driven Anglicans and Episcopalians gathered at Ridgecrest Conference Center near Asheville, NC to pour the new wine of the gospel into new wineskins for global mission.

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April 11 2007 By virtueonline Colorado Struggle Continues...Cox Walks from TEC...Bruno Blasts APB...More

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This question might validly be asked of the Archbishop of Canterbury regarding the rebellious state of the Episcopal Church:Is his taking three months off to write a book and take a vacation, an example of Nero fiddling while Rome burns?

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April 05 2007 By virtueonline What Happened at Camp Allen?...Colorado Face-Off continues...more

What really happened at Camp Allen, Texas, when the House of Bishops (HOB) met recently? A bishop, who agreed to speak to VOL on the grounds of anonymity, said it was not all that it seemed or was painted to be in the media.

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