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Theology, History & Science
July 19 2008 By virtueonline GAFCON Responds to An Anglican Covenant

There appears no prospect of repentance from this repudiation of biblical authority on the part of either of these bodies (or from those elsewhere who have followed their lead in endorsing behaviour which Scripture explicitly forbids). Underlying these actions is a long history of marginalising, avoiding and at last rejecting the plain teaching of the Bible. In other words, the issue which we should expect this covenant to address is one of apostasy.

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July 16 2008 By virtueonline Councils, Scripture and Catholic Faith

First of all, it is self-evident that councils are not infallible unless ratified by the Universal Church, something rendered impossible after Nicea II due to the Great Schism between the two "One True Churches." Some councils in the first Millennium finished their work, only to have it either rejected immediately, or accepted only briefly before being finally rejected. These facts of history are well-known, and need no further elaboration.

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July 15 2008 By virtueonline One Bishop's Reflections on Lambeth 1998 - Paul Barnett

by Paul Barnett

Thank you for the opportunity to reflect on Lambeth. These are indeed personal reflections. Others might see it differently.

Homosexuality was the big news and there was a considerable victory for the cause of Biblical Christianity.

However, I am a little wary of triumphalism which is not edifying.

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July 14 2008 By virtueonline The history of the Lambeth Conference

In the event, a bare majority (76 of 144) bishops came to meet with archbishop Longley, in Lambeth Palace. Even the archbishop of York stayed home, doubtful of the value of such a gathering. Archbishop Gray of South Africa attempted to rattle the tea cups with a request that the conference affirm his deposition of the Bishop of Natal, John Williams Colenso, whose free-thinking ways had led Gray to attempt to replace him with someone more orthodox.

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July 14 2008 By virtueonline A full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction

O God heavenly father, which of thy tender mercie diddest geve thine only sonne Jesu Christ to suffre death upon the crosse for our redempcion, who made there (by his one oblacion once offered) a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifyce, oblacion, and satysfaccyon, for the sinnes of the whole worlde, and did institute, and in his holy Gospell commaund us, to celebrate a perpetuall memory of that his precious death, untyll his comming again: Heare us (O merciful father) we besech thee; and with

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July 09 2008 By virtueonline The Questionable Authority of Archaeology

After years of searching, archaeologists have identified and excavated the boyhood home of George Washington, site of such legendary -- if perhaps apocryphal -- events as chopping down the cherry tree and throwing a coin across the Rappahannock River.

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July 07 2008 By virtueonline JERUSALEM: Tablet ignites debate on messiah and resurrection

The tablet, probably found near the Dead Sea in Jordan according to some scholars who have studied it, is a rare example of a stone with ink writings from that era — in essence, a Dead Sea Scroll on stone.

It is written, not engraved, across two neat columns, similar to columns in a Torah. But the stone is broken, and some of the text is faded, meaning that much of what it says is open to debate.

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July 06 2008 By virtueonline HOMOSEXUALITY: Robert Gagnon Responds to his Critics

The book contains a 16-page essay by a scholar-cleric by the name of David Atkinson entitled, 'The Church of England and Homosexuality: How Did We Get Here? Where Do We Go Now?' (pp298-313). Since Atkinson's article contains a brief critique of my first book, The Bible and Homosexual Practice (Abingdon, 2001),[1] the leader mentioned above asked me to comment on the critique.

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June 19 2008 By virtueonline GAFCON Book: The Way, The Truth and The Life

The book deals frankly with the crisis facing the Anglican Communion. “We have made enormous efforts since 1997 in seeking to avoid this crisis, but without success. Now we confront a moment of decision. If we fail to act, we risk leading millions of people away from the faith revealed in the Holy Scriptures and also, even more seriously, we face the real possibility of denying our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,” writes the Most. Rev.

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June 07 2008 By virtueonline The Bible Did not Die for Us - Dr. Robert Sanders

The Bible is not another Christ. It did not die for us nor was it raised from the dead. (Dr. Charles Price, former professor at Virginia Theological Seminary)

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