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Theology, History & Science
August 21 2008 By virtueonline LAMBETH CONFERENCE: Summary Analysis of Lambeth Conference 2008

3) Other than the bishops, there were three main groups contributing to the Lambeth Conference.

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August 20 2008 By virtueonline THE ROAD TO REALIGNMENT


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August 17 2008 By virtueonline Jonathan Edwards on Justification by Faith-More Protestant or Catholic?

For Tryon Edwards and my friend, Edwards could not have supported infusion because Edwards was an astute theologian in the Reformation tradition, which has tended to regard justification and infusion as mutually exclusive. Hence Edwards must also have regarded them as mutually exclusive.

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August 06 2008 By virtueonline Judgment Begins at the Household of God - Robert J. Sanders

The time has come for the judgment to begin at the household of God; and if what we know now is only the beginning, what will it be when it comes down to those who refuse to believe God's Good News? (I Peter 4:17)

I am the true vine and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more. (John 15:1-2)

Let us now go back about two centuries.

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August 03 2008 By virtueonline Maintaining Freedom of Conscience, Avoiding Schism, and Achieving Reconciliation

While in no way seeking to takes sides, or even to venture a personal opinion on the situation, I feel it may be of an encouragement to my Anglican brethren to know that there is an historical precedent for such a course of action, and that it was crowned with success. It may be a surprise that this precedent stems from the most persecuted sector of the 17th Century Scottish Presbyterian Covenanters, but the parallels are clear and significant.

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August 03 2008 By virtueonline LAMBETH: The Bible and Tomorrow's World - Tom Wright

Let me draw your attention to a book of mine which is foundational for what I'm going to say. Scripture and the Authority of God grew directly out of my work on both the Lambeth Commission and the International Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission.

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August 02 2008 By virtueonline Cardinal Kasper: "The Apostolicity of Faith"

Earlier in his address, the Cardinal had pointed to the Lord's "expressed will that his disciples be one, just as He is one with the Father; and that this unity was directly linked to Christ's mission, the Church's mission, to the world: may they be one so that the world may believe". In this context - although the Cardinal did not say so in so many words - to recede from the goal of full communion is to recede not simply from some desideratum, but from the Lord's will for His Church.

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July 21 2008 By virtueonline LAMBETH: The Real Indaba

Indaba is not a debate format. There are not opposing sides, a pro- and a con- set of arguments. It is a series of discussions. Originally in the Zulu context, this would include any issue that affects the whole village. In African society, tribal leaders will converse until they come to a type of consensus. They meet regularly and some topics will come up again and again, like theft. Months of discussion can produce creative ways to deal with common problems.

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July 20 2008 By virtueonline LAMBETH: The Essence of Indaba

The purpose of the discussion is to find out the deeper convergences that might hold people together in difference and come to a deeper understanding of the topic or issues discussed. This will be achieved by seeking to understand exactly the thinking behind positions other than my own.

For Indaba to work, Indaba on day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4 etc should be seen as interrelated even if their themes differ. The whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts.

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July 19 2008 By virtueonline GAFCON Responds to An Anglican Covenant

There appears no prospect of repentance from this repudiation of biblical authority on the part of either of these bodies (or from those elsewhere who have followed their lead in endorsing behaviour which Scripture explicitly forbids). Underlying these actions is a long history of marginalising, avoiding and at last rejecting the plain teaching of the Bible. In other words, the issue which we should expect this covenant to address is one of apostasy.

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