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As Eye See It
February 06 2007 By virtueonline 'Do you take this ewe......' - by Les Kinsolving

The Times went on to report:

"Though bestiality is not illegal in Washington, the subsequent revelation of the existence of an Internet-based zoophile community (the men refer to themselves as zoos, hence the title) was a shock.

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February 06 2007 By virtueonline Good News to the Poor and the Crisis in the Anglican Communion

The average Anglican ( 45 million in the Global South, 5 million attenders in the Anglo-world) is under thirty, female, lives on two dollars a day, has three children, walks three kilometres for water a day, is related to someone with HIV/Aids and is evangelical. It is not the case that those who are promoting the gay agenda are the poor or underprivileged of western society.

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February 05 2007 By virtueonline Jimmy Carter Goes Episcopal

Ford was a lifelong Episcopalian, and his denomination is now fracturing over the Episcopal Church's election of its first openly, practicing homosexual bishop in 2003. Carter, of course, is a lifelong Baptist who officially departed the Southern Baptist Convention several years ago to protest his church's conservative stances, which include firm disapproval of homosexual practice.

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February 05 2007 By virtueonline Church's Hard Line On Gays Hurts Kids - The Cost of Discipleship

The bishop was terminating the partnership because Tanzanian bishops had voted to limit communion with American churches that hold liberal views on homosexuality.

Further, the Tanzanian bishops declared that "the Anglican Church of Tanzania shall not knowingly accept financial and material aid from dioceses, parishes, bishops, priests, individuals and institutions in the Episcopal Church that condone homosexual practice or bless same-sex unions."

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February 05 2007 By virtueonline PITTSBURGH: Bishop Asks for Understanding. Will Plead Orthodox Case in Tanzania

Our challenges as the people of God in this day are not unlike theirs, but ours is a spiritual struggle in a very secular and confused age. Our struggle is against more .than flesh and blood, as Scripture and our Baptism remind us. Paul's words at the end of I Corinthians are a clarion call as to how we are to conduct ourselves whatever the nature of our trials: steadfast, immovable, abounding, knowing...

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February 05 2007 By virtueonline ATTLEBORO, MA: A time for peace among city worshipers

Each faces its own challenges. The Anglican breakaway parish is now on its own but has the support of some members of the broader Anglican Communion, while the Episcopal returning parish has to rebuild, with the support of its bishop and its diocese, after many of its members started worshiping and forming attachments at other churches.

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February 05 2007 By virtueonline ENGLAND: Key Issues Arising From The Civil Partnership Act - by Charles Raven

If the answer is 'yes'-and I believe the analysis below shows that this is undoubtedly the case-and a diocesan bishop is not willing to distance himself from the House of Bishops' policy, then parish clergy have a duty to distance themselves from such a bishop by declaring themselves to be in 'impaired communion'.

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February 04 2007 By virtueonline IN THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Honoring Anglicanism's History by Tom Wilson

The simplistic answer that one would gather from the headlines is that TEC consecrated a gay bishop. While sexual morality is indeed the flashpoint of the controversy, it is but one instance of the real, underlying issues: the authority of the Bible (which is very clear on the subject of sexual ethics) and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

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February 04 2007 By virtueonline VIRGINIA: Minns Rips Bishop Over Health Benefits Cut Off to Inhibited Priests

As you well know, such an action was not necessary since it has long been the custom of the church to permit an orderly transfer of clergy when they move from one Anglican jurisdiction to another.

Indeed, several of your brother bishops in The Episcopal Church have followed this pattern and have done so with generosity and grace.

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February 04 2007 By virtueonline WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY DO? - by Maurice Benitez

His primary duty to God and His Church, can be nothing less than that. His Grace certainly does not need anyone defending him, but nevertheless, to satisfy my own conscience, I am going to give it a try.

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