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As Eye See It
September 05 2007 By virtueonline African Anglicans try to transform US church - Michael Paulson

Those sentiments have been building for years, and now a group of Anglican archbishops is attempting to plant the seeds for a new, conservative Anglicanism in North America that will either transform or replace the Episcopal Church.

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September 05 2007 By virtueonline What I Would Like To Say To President Bush - Charles Jenkins

Recognizing our vulnerability, not to terrorism, but to the deadly force of severe weather, I would like to ask the President how he plans to clearly demonstrate his calculation of our people's worth and his government's commitment to our safety? The question is one that Providence has put to this President, and it is one of those tests all human beings dread - the kind that determines who you really are.

We already know who faith-based America has proven to be.

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September 04 2007 By virtueonline Christianity and the eight Millennium Development Goals - Geoffrey Kirk

Armed with Screwtapes excellent advice, Wormwood, it appears, has recently had remarkable success with The Episcopal Church. Adopted at General Convention and heralded in Katharine Jefferts Schori's inaugural sermon, TEC has officially taken as its credo 'Christianity AND the MDGs'. If you are not on the very cusp of modernity, you will need an explanation.

What are MDGs?

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September 04 2007 By virtueonline The Case Against Gene Robinson's Homosexuality - Earle Fox

Robinson wants the public to believe that the case against homosexuality is "carefully crafted", meaning deliberately dishonest and without credibility. He wants us to believe that there is no reasonable distinction between homosexual orientation and homosexual behavior, that they are part of the same inherited identity.

1. "Who we are" vs. "What we do".

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September 02 2007 By virtueonline Archbishop Gomez's Homily from the Nairobi Consecrations

In a sense this process of transformation which began in chapter one is not completed until chapter twenty-one where we find the second occasion when Jesus addressed him as Simon, Son of John-Jesus said, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?"

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September 02 2007 By virtueonline OXFORD: Wycliffe Hall: doing very nicely, thank you

Academic standards at Wycliffe are not questioned. In any event, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The Norrington Table places Wycliffe in first place among the PPHs for our academic results for 2007, perhaps a more objective measure of both standards and breadth.

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September 01 2007 By virtueonline The central heresy of The Episcopal Church - John Becker

TEC has resoundingly declared its intention to stay on its revisionist course, and damn the torpedoes. It has now officially given its approval and encouragement to men who have an irresistible urge to have sex with men, and women with women. It is only a very short step away from giving the same approval to men who want to have sex with boys, and women with girls. If man/man sex is good and to be encouraged, what's wrong with man/boy sex? Or man/child sex? Or man/beast sex?

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August 31 2007 By virtueonline Bishops as the Sign 0f [Dis]Unity? - Peter Toon

The American Episcopate 1792

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August 31 2007 By virtueonline LONDON: Bishop Eulogizes Princess Diana in Service of Thanksgiving for her life

Everyone here will have their own memories. I remember meeting Princess Diana for the first time early in 1981 to discuss details of the wedding service in St. Paul's. Even Archbishop's Chaplains have their share of proper diffidence and I was nervous entering the presence. It must have been a bewildering time for the Princess as well but even then at the age of 20 her capacity for empathy and her very strong intuitive power ensured that any tension soon evaporated.

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August 31 2007 By virtueonline The Last Stand of Rowan Williams - Jordan Hylden

Before he left on holiday, Williams had sent out an invitation to next year's Lambeth Conference, the decennial worldwide gathering of Anglican bishops. It's an important gathering for Anglicans, even crucial, since it's the only opportunity that Anglican bishops have to gather as a worldwide body and make decisions about their common life. Williams' problem is that hardly anybody has written back to tell him they're coming.

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