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As Eye See It
September 18 2007 By virtueonline Anglican Communion has relational not jurisdictional bonds, says ACC leader

There is a lot to commend this approach. While Canon Brooks does perhaps too easily assume that the ACC Constitution acts as the entire constitutional framework of the Anglican Communion, he is correct in his argument that the only formal expression of membership of the Communion is contained in the Schedule to the Constitution of the ACC, as this is the way in which new Provinces become members of the ACC.

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September 18 2007 By virtueonline "We need leaders driven by a vision for the gospel to go to the whole community"


I think it was then that I heard my father swear for the first and only time. He used the word 'bloody' in the course of giving me some very special advice. I understand that he used it again in very similar circumstances, but it was to a different son. In neither case did it work.

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September 16 2007 By virtueonline Response to The Constitutional Crisis, 2007 - Leander S. Harding

The six present themselves as uniquely trained to identify "the most important factor in any scrutiny. . .together with. . . the elimination of wrong, irrelevant, or improperly formulated issues. If the issues are identified correctly, then all else can and should follow to the proper result" (page 3). The authors identify the issue as the issue of the violation of "an unwritten and unenforceable but clearly recognized anciently respected Anglican Constitution." (page 8).

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September 15 2007 By virtueonline The Episcopal Church's Trojan Horse - George Naff Gray, Jr.,

Late in the night with the horse left unguarded, the Greek forces that lay hidden inside came out and opened the gates of the city to the Greek hordes that had returned in their ships under the cover of darkness. Once access was gained inside the city, the Trojans were defeated and Troy was destroyed.

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September 14 2007 By virtueonline Episcopoi, Episcopoi & Episcopoi: Bishops, Bishops and more Bishops - Peter Toon

And, further, who would have thought that this planting of new networks, dioceses and convocations by different Provinces actually in practice sets supposed "brother" against "brother" in the competition for sheep and converts in North America, for there is no agreed areas for mission by the sending Provinces and it appears to be a free for all?

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September 13 2007 By virtueonline Invalid Trust - Jack Estes

Trust also functions as a bond in the life of a community, and is closely tied to authority. In our society, individuals and agencies in which we invest authority are expected to act in accordance with the values of society, with righteousness, honesty, and responsibility. When and if they do not, the public trust is violated. Those at fault must be held accountable for trust to be restored.

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September 13 2007 By virtueonline Archbishop Williams: Sept 11th: lessons from history for faith and civil society

It was a movement which put principles into action but which rejected violence; a sort of "'soul force' whose central principle was that our behaviour must witness to truth whatever the cost - and that this witness to truth can never, of its very nature, involve violence or a response to oppression that simply mirrors what has been done by the oppressor."

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September 13 2007 By virtueonline Pondering in my heart: Reflections on personal experiences of ECUSA

These highlight the fact that the divisions we are experiencing in the Anglican Communion are not simply to do with sexuality. I write about these because it is important to note that there really is the beginning of a new kind of religion in parts of The Episcopal Church - a religion which not only re-interprets the traditional central tenets of the Christian faith, but which in fact has the potential to jettison many of them altogether

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September 12 2007 By virtueonline Archbishop Rowan Williams strives to preserve the communion

Virtually no one thinks the church will comply. Even Williams, who will address the House of Bishops of the Episcopal church later this month when it meets in New Orleans to decide its position, and who will then find it harder to avert open schism.

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September 12 2007 By virtueonline CENTRAL FLORIDA: Bishop Howe Rips Spong in letter to Archbishop Rowan Williams

His sarcasm, his disrespect, and his arrogance are simply stunning. But then this is the same Bishop Spong who stated at the last Lambeth Conference that the African Bishops had "moved out of animism into a very superstitious kind of Christianity. They've yet to face the intellectual revolution of Copernicus and Einstein that we've had to face in the developing world. That's just not on their radar screen."

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