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VOL Viewpoints
February 09 2004 By virtueonline Orthodox Bishops blast ECUSA

"The actions of ECUSA in the election, confirmation, and consecration of
Canon Gene Robinson have created a situation of grave concern for the
entire Anglican Communion and beyond. Their actions are a direct
repudiation of the clear teaching of the Holy Scriptures, historic faith
and order of the church", the Primates write.

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February 05 2004 By virtueonline Courageous Battles of the Orthodox

Funds are being withheld at record levels: They are down $1.2 million in Nth. Carolina; $900,000 in Virginia, $950,000 in D.C. and a senior warden said that the cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC is down $3 million in pledges for 2004 and so on. This takes two forms. The first is a deliberate withholding of funds to the diocese by wealthy parishes, and secondly those parishes that are not taking in enough to pay their diocesan pledge over and above their assessment.

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January 31 2004 By virtueonline Canonical Fundamentalists and more

You can go to bed with whomever - gay, lesbian, transgendered or BI-sexual, but how you can have a committed relationship in the latter defies the human imagination. But if you say you are THINKING of leaving ECUSA as the parish in Versailles Kentucky did recently, or you actually do leave, or threaten to withhold funds, the diocesan bishop will behave like a prison guard with a baseball bat.

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January 27 2004 By virtueonline Bonfire of the Episcopal Vanities

As a small symbol of that fallout, money is now being used or withheld as a protest to the ECUSA's growing apostasy. One example, (and there are dozens more like it), St. Phillip's Cathedral in Atlanta is having all kinds of financial problems since General Convention 2003. A Virtuosity reader sent their 12/22/2003 church bulletin, which revealed they were down $500,000 on pledges for 2003 and down a $1 million for 2004!

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January 24 2004 By virtueonline The Realignment has begun

It is, by any standard, a bold move that comes with the approval of the
Archbishop of Canterbury but with no support from the leadership of the
Episcopal Church. It is the brainchild of a handful of orthodox bishops
led by the creative, risk-taking Bishop of Pittsburgh, Robert Duncan.

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January 18 2004 By virtueonline How to beat the Revisionists in ECUSA

Why won't it work? Because there is no way the orthodox bishops could or are able to get their act together or focus on a single strategy and agree on a date and time. (So far only 13 bishops have signed on to the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes.)

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For more than 35 years he and his pansexual pals have whined, pleaded, cajoled and subverted General Convention resolutions by using 'local option' to press the homosexual agenda into the Episcopal Church, against all Episcopal history, the wisdom of the ages, 6,000 years of biblical history, the entire corpus of Holy Scripture, the Canons and Constitutions of The Episcopal Church, the Lambeth resolution and more.

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January 15 2004 By virtueonline A Stormy Week in the Episcopal Church - by David Virtue

Another rally drew 3,000 orthodox Episcopalians at what was billed as
Plano East, following the highly successful Dallas meeting last year,
and the troops were once again fired up to hold fast the faith and not
abandon the ECUSA ship, as help was on the way. There was no battle
plan; no strategy was laid out, just a giant pep rally, and a promise of
good things to come. A new strategy will be revealed unto us on January

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January 09 2004 By virtueonline The Impact of Robinson's Consecration

Virtuosity had predicted this would happen, as did many others, and now
it is coming all too sadly true.

E-mails coming into Virtuosity's mailbox by the dozen, tell stories of
individuals and families leaving in despair and disillusionment, taking
themselves off to the Anglican Mission in America, one of several
Orthodox branches of the Christian Church, the Roman Catholic Church and

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January 05 2004 By virtueonline "WELCOME TO 2004"

Virtuosity's website is being accessed at the rate of more than 60,000
hits per month and that figure is climbing so my webmaster tells me.
Hundreds more sign on to get the digest directly into their computers
well before daybreak and breakfast. (The digest downloads at 4am
Eastern Standard Time.) I am told that the figure of one million
readers will access the website by July.

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Trinity School for Ministry
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