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As Eye See It
December 07 2023 By dvirtue Why is Freedom of Religion ignored by the Media and among the Public and what should be done?

Let's take three situations where issues of religious freedom have been ignored in news reports.

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December 05 2023 By dvirtue Are American Christians Persecuted?

Are American evangelical Christians persecuted?

Johnson's explanation of his claim was that, in his view, American Christians, and I strongly suspect he meant conservative Christians, mostly evangelicals, are not being heard or taken seriously by the movers and shakers of American culture. That is, what he seemed to mean, they are not given a fair hearing or treated fairly by the media (for example).

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December 03 2023 By dvirtue "Israel then and now in the purposes of God"

There are Christians in Israel -- I have been to Christ Church Jerusalem the vicar David Pileggi is a valued friend. They are working to provide war relief to those affected by the crisis. The Churches Mission to the Jews have also opened up its guesthouses to provide food and lodging for families who cannot return to their homes or want to get out of conflict areas.

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December 03 2023 By dvirtue The 'Islamophobia' industry shills for Hamas

Yet despite their self-serving delusions of persecution, both Aziz and Beydoun are high-profile scholars who command the respect of their peers, which is in itself a damning indictment of the state of current Middle East studies.

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The following day, Thursday, I prepared and delivered a seminar on the momentous Barmen Declaration. This defiant statement of faith takes its name from the German town in which it was formally accepted in May 1934. It states the convictions of those German Protestants who resisted the Nazi regime's agenda for the Churches. It's an utterly inspiring document, drafted principally by Karl Barth and supported strongly by Dieterich Bonhoeffer, then serving as a pastor in London.

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"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for an eye, and tooth for tooth. BUT I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

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November 22 2023 By dvirtue Should I go or should I stay in the Church of England?

Trajectory of the Church of England

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November 21 2023 By dvirtue Who Is to Blame When Episcopalians, Methodists Leave the Church?

Who Is to Blame When the British Leave the Church of England?

Or of Lutherans: Who Is to Blame When Lutherans Leave the Church?

Or of Methodists: Who Is to Blame When Methodists Leave the Church?

Or of any Christian: Who Is to Blame When Christians Leave the Church?


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November 20 2023 By dvirtue Anglican Network in Europe Release statement on CofE Same Sex Blessings

Thus says the LORD: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.' (Jeremiah 6:16 ESV)

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November 19 2023 By dvirtue Gerald McDermott on Why the Land Promises Belong to Ethnic Israel

For most Christians and Jews since the fourth century, the answer has been no and no. No major interpreters found such a promise there, and it wouldn't matter anyway. For what determined doctrine toward the people and land of Israel was tradition's interpretation of biblical texts, not the texts themselves.

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Trinity School for Ministry
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