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A Slightly Satirical Essay

By David W. Virtue

What if there is a pre-Lambeth "Lambeth" meeting of orthodox primates and bishops of the Anglican Communion in London before the official Lambeth Conference meets in Canterbury later in July to send Rowan Williams a message that all is not well in the Anglican Communion?

What if the liberals don't care, so long as the orthodox show up to Canterbury where Gene Robinson waits to ambush them with lectures on sodomite acceptance with his honeymoon partner in tow looking as happy as a New Hampshire fruit tree? (Gene is the one in the dress. Jefferts Schori is the one in the pinstriped pantsuit outfit).

What if when they all get together in Canterbury, and a huge row breaks out led by Nigerian Primate Peter Akinola and the CAPA bishops. What if they all storm out when they see Gene sitting their invited in some capacity or other, but sitting there with his fellow TEC and pro-gay Anglican bishops?

What if all the prayers offered up at Lambeth don't go much higher than the roof, because God's Spirit has moved on and He is not the slightest bit interested in saving the Anglican Communion because it has compromised itself over sexual sin?

What if the orthodox don't get "it" either and want to go down with the Anglican Titanic? Do they expect God to save them when He has already warned them that espousing sexual sin can jeopardize your soul?

What if Rowan Williams holds a "secret" Eucharist for Africa and Latin evangelicals at Lambeth and no one shows up?

What if Rowan Williams holds a "secret" Eucharist for English and African Anglo-Catholics and no one shows up?

What if Williams meets privately with the Primates and the number who won't take Holy Communion is now down to three because Jefferts Schori's check book is bigger than anyone else's and Williams declares a victory for liberalism. Will anyone care?

What if The Episcopal Church spends so much money on lawsuits that their understanding of "mission" reflected in MDGs is seriously compromised but nothing actually changes?

What if the Episcopal Church keeps emptying, the orthodox splinter groups just keep growing, and one day there are more orthodox parishes in a TEC diocese than TEC churches? What if no one at 815 notices?

What if the Diocese of Newark closes more churches, and with diminishing income, the bishop is forced to rent basement space in Louie (and Ernest) Crew's home in order to run the diocese. What if no one cares?

What if Bishop Charles E. Bennison is found guilty in an ecclesiastical court, and tossed permanently out of the TEC; and is also found guilty in the civil courts for fraud and has to pay $2 million dollars. Will he still be smiling when he walks into the Union League Club and discovers they have cancelled his subscription and the president of the League hands back the balance of his annual fee? Will anyone care?

What if half a dozen dioceses walk away from TEC in 2008 and Mrs. Jefferts Schori announces a new "plan" to double the church by 2020. Will anyone believe her?

What if a Windsor Bishop stands up at the next meeting of the HOB in March and says "Madam chairperson/womanist, we have lost four bishops to Rome, six dioceses to the Southern Cone and tens of thousands of laity are walking away from the Episcopal Church each week, what do you propose we should do?"

Nah, never happen.


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