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VOL Viewpoints
April 19 2008 By virtueonline Four Parishes Leave TEC... Mounting Tensions in Communion... No HOB in May

The fount of reformation. The English Reformation may be said to have begun in the White Horse Inn in Cambridge, where from 1519 a group met in secret to study the Greek Testament which Erasmus had published three years previously. It was this that Tyndale translated into English, determined (as he put it) that the ploughboy should know the Scriptures better than the Pope.

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April 11 2008 By virtueonline Florida Bishop Fires Priests...Attacked Homosexual Leaders Blame GAFCON/Nigeria

Resisting false teaching. "The apostolic traditions are the foundation of Christian faith and life, while subsequent ecclesiastical traditions are the superstructure which the church has erected on it. The primary traditions, to which we should hold fast, are those which the apostles received from Christ (either the historic Christ or the living Spirit of Christ), which they taught the early church by word or letter, and which are now preserved in the New Testament.

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April 05 2008 By virtueonline Dissenting Virginia Parishes Win in Court...PB Asked to Remove Deposition

Against the same thought (lust), another old man said, "Be like him who passes through the marketplace in front of an inn and breathes the smell of cooking and roasting. If he enjoys it, he goes inside to eat some of it; if not, he only inhales the smell in passing and goes on his way. It is the same for you: avoid the bad smell. Wake up and pray, saying, "Son of God, help me." Do this for other temptations also.

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March 28 2008 By virtueonline GAFCON And LAMBETH Vie For Bishops...Long Island Parish Loses...More...

"It sounds to me like the House of Bishops was so anxious to Depose Bishops' Cox and Schofield, that they simply skipped reading the Canons, and decided to hang 'em anyway!" --- +Maurice M. Benitez Bishop of Texas, Retired

The four gospels. The gospels are not biography; they are testimony --- From 'The Upper Room Discourse', in "Christ the Liberator", by John Stott and others

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March 22 2008 By virtueonline Deposed Bishops Arouse Anger...No Finders for NW Texas...Budget Cuts...more

The biblical historians were not historians in the modern sense, writing with scientific detachment. They were theologians too, writing from a divine perspective. They were not morally and spiritually neutral; they were deeply committed to God's cause. The Old Testament history books were regarded as prophecy, and the four lives of Jesus are not biographies but gospels written by evangelists, who were bearing witness to Jesus.

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March 15 2008 By virtueonline Bishops Schofield & Cox Deposed... Bishop MacBurney to Face Trial...HOB Fumbles

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It was a week that saw further disintegration and separation from The Episcopal Church of its godly remnant.

The House of Bishops met in Camp Allen, Texas, and did a number of predictable things.

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March 08 2008 By virtueonline Schori and the Windsor Process...More on Moore's Morals...Boycott Lambeth

"Every evangelical leader I know-Rick Warren, Jim Dobson, Bill Hybels, Jim Wallis, and Ron Sider-all of us, right and left, in our own ways, are battling for traditional values. We're defending life, pursuing justice, and caring for the poor. Yes, we're beginning to be more involved in environmental issues, thanks to younger evangelicals reminding us that God commanded us to care for his creation.

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March 01 2008 By virtueonline Canadians Under Siege..Pa Bishop Faces Two Courts..Sisk on Moore's Morals..

All Christ's teaching. Where is all the teaching of Jesus Christ to be found? The correct answer is not 'in his discourses in the gospels', but 'in the whole Bible'.

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March 01 2008 By virtueonline Canadians Under Siege..Pa Bishop Faces Two Courts..Sisk on Moore's Morals..

All Christ's teaching. Where is all the teaching of Jesus Christ to be found? The correct answer is not 'in his discourses in the gospels', but 'in the whole Bible'.

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February 24 2008 By virtueonline Another TEC Bishop Flees to Uganda..GAFCON Primates Rebuff English Bishops..more

All revealed truth is held in stewardship. It is given to be shared, not monopolized. If men cannot keep their scientific discoveries to themselves, how much less should we keep to ourselves the divine disclosures? --- From "The Message of Ephesians" John R.W. Stott

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