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Theology, History & Science
February 28 2009 By virtueonline What Is Sola Scriptura? Do We Reject All Tradition?

Unfortunately, this "Tradition" changes from one generation to the next and is essentially a form of ongoing revelation resident in the authority of popes and bishops and the magisterium.

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February 27 2009 By virtueonline JERUSALEM: More Bible proof: Temple relics unearthed

The finds include official government seals bearing the names of Ahimelekh ben Amadyahu and Yehokhil ben Shahar, who were high-ranking officials in Hezekiah's government. The life of Hezekiah, the son of King Ahaz is detailed in the biblical books of Kings, Isaiah and Chronicles. Hezekiah was the 13th king of independent Judah.

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February 25 2009 By virtueonline Richard Hooker on the Communion of Christ's Body and Blood

Anyone who has diligently studied Anglicanism from its own sources, is well aware that the whole idea of being a Protestant was to be a true Catholic. These things do not contradict each other, and indeed, according to the Anglican paradigm, only such a Protestant is practicing the Catholic Faith, and believing that doctrine that has been, from the earliest times, Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est.

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February 12 2009 By virtueonline Famous Letter from Cardinal Ratzinger to Plano Gathering of Orthodox Anglicans

I hasten to assure you of my heartfelt prayers for all those taking part in this convocation. The significance of your meeting is sensed far beyond Plano, and even in this City from which Saint Augustine of Canterbury was sent to confirm and strengthen the preaching of Christ's Gospel in England. Nor can I fail to recall that barely 120 years later, Saint Boniface brought that same Christian faith from England to my own forebears in Germany.

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February 10 2009 By virtueonline Carl Jung and the Gnostic Reconciliation of Gender Opposites

Over two and a half million people are 'initiated' each year into the MBTI process. [2] It is now the most extensively used personality instrument in history. [3] There is even an MBTI version for children, called the MMTIC (Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children)[4], and a simplified adult MBTI-like tool for the general public, known as the Keirsey-Bates Indicator. Rev. Robert Innes, of St.

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January 17 2009 By virtueonline The Way of the Cross: Biblical Resources for a Global Anglican Future-6 Studies

In his Foreword, Archbishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria, Chairman of the GAFCON Conference, writes:

"In calling orthodox Anglicans to meet in Jerusalem, we were calling them to return to their roots, both doctrinally, in the Scriptures, and historically, in the Holy Land, where God has acted decisively for our redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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January 14 2009 By virtueonline Knowing the Christian God - Robert J. Sanders Ph.D.

The Argument

This essay demonstrates an if-then proposition: If God is the God of orthodox Christian theology, then God can only be known in a miraculous encounter. The essay begins with an assumption. It does not prove its premise, the existence of God as defined by the trinitarian and incarnational propositions of the Creeds. The first step is to define "miraculous encounter."

Miraculous Encounter

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January 09 2009 By virtueonline Continuing What? The English Reformation: Key to the Continuing Church-Response

That there are substantial differences between Anglican and Roman doctrines, none can rationally deny, though some have tried, and continue trying, to deny it. The article's purpose, therefore, is primarily to show what the Anglican doctrines are - here specifically, the doctrine of the sacrament of Our Saviour's Body and Blood.

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January 05 2009 By virtueonline An Unworkable Theology - Philip Turner

Every denomination has its theological articles and books of theology, its liturgies and confessional statements. Nonetheless, the contents of these documents do not necessarily control what we might call the "working theology" of a church. To find the working theology of a church one must review the resolutions passed at official gatherings and listen to what clergy say Sunday by Sunday from the pulpit.

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January 02 2009 By virtueonline Continuing What?: The English Reformation: Key to the Continuing Church - Part 3

To overcome the rapidly increasing evils of secularism, disunity and the lack of internal discipline within the Communion, must we give up the truths of Anglican reformed Catholicism and agree to beliefs that err from biblical truth, including papal infallibility - as did the TAC bishops who secretly submitted to Roman doctrine and supremacy in October 2007? That cannot be the right solution.

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