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Reformation & Revival
March 12 2015 By dvirtue RIDGELAND, SC: Holy Trinity: 'We have not broken away'

"Our contention is that we have kept the faith, we have stayed within the historic faith of the church and that our diocese, in the decision it has made to disaffiliate with the national church, is not 'leaving' the church," Gibson said. "We have not broken away, we have branched out and sought a greater unity with the worldwide church."

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March 04 2015 By dvirtue RALEIGH, NC: Downtown Raleigh sees first church built in 50 years

"We wanted to build a transcendent space," said the Rev. John Yates III, his breath hanging beneath the arching steel bones of the sanctuary. To his left, a construction worker rode an accordion lift to finish the details of a window that reached toward the 60-foot ceiling.

Holy Trinity Anglican Church formed about a decade ago, splitting off from the national Episcopal church alongside scores of other groups.

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February 19 2015 By dvirtue Four Ways to Involve Everyone in Evangelism

Only a very few hear the gospel or show up at church without first being in relationship. Most people who come to Christ are invited by a person they know.

God calls us to evangelize, including our family, friends, and neighbors. He invites us to invite others. Personal relationships are the best way to reach out.

Sometimes the world gets the wrong idea that being a Christian means our lives are perfect.

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January 20 2015 By dvirtue The Welsh Revival of 1904-05

The Times added that "the religious revival in Wales continues...with unabated zeal." Huge crowds were attending the meetings. Bible verses covered the doors down in the coalmines. "At Swansea the Poor Law guardians...dealt with revival cases in which people...have taken their parents from the workhouse. The Welsh revival movement has shown no sign of flagging...", The Times pointed out on January 10th.

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December 20 2014 By dvirtue NEW YORK: God Isn't Dead in Gotham

'Cheer up, you're worse than you think," Rev. Timothy Keller says with a smile. He's explaining that humans are more weak, more fallen, more warped than they "ever dare admit or even believe." Then comes the good news: At the same time people are "more loved in Christ and more accepted than they could ever imagine or hope."

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December 12 2014 By dvirtue FLEMING ISLAND, FLORIDA: Anglican Church finding its own identity after schism

"We're going through a clarification of our identity. Our movement is new and, for a season, it seemed good to drop Anglican from our name but we had it on our legal name in parentheses. Nobody liked the name New Grace because it isn't theologically-accurate. The grace of God is never new and that was confusing to people," said the Rev. Mike McDonald, pastor of the Fleming Island church on U.S. Highway 17 South.

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November 13 2014 By dvirtue Millennials Are Asked What They Want in a Church -- And The Answers Are Anything But Shallow

1.) Don't rely heavily on the demands of social media. It's pretty obvious that social media is used as a powerful tool in businesses, sports, politics and such. But there must be a careful and fragile approach to social media when it comes to the church.

Relevant Magazine reports:

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October 22 2014 By dvirtue Americans love their Bible...but they don't read it according to a recent poll

Changing the word of God to fit one's personal style whether liberal or conservative has always been a problem with Biblical principles. While liberals are guilty of loosening the moral absolutes, conservatives are guilty of expanding practices that were never intended to determine a person's righteousness. If a verse isn't there to substantiate their actions, they will interpret one or twist the Bible's meaning and intention.

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October 21 2014 By dvirtue Seven Reasons Some Churches Experience Revitalization (While Others Don't)

I recently categorized those reasons some churches experience revitalization. I then compared them to churches that have not been revitalized. I found seven differences between the two sets of churches. These are the seven traits unique to the revitalized churches:

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September 29 2014 By dvirtue UK: Report on ReNew 2014

The majority of delegates at ReNew 2014 were incumbents of local churches, with a large number of
curates and churchwardens.

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