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PLANO, TX: ECUSA's Largest attended church addresses Katrina...offers hope

Christ Church Episcopal Offering Prayer Services, Sermons for Hurricane Victims

The Rev. Canon David H. Roseberry Will Preach on Hope This Sunday

Plano, TX (September 1, 2005) – In response to the crisis in the U.S. gulf region as a result of Hurricane Katrina, Christ Church Episcopal is planning a weekend of prayer, special messages, and support for victims and their families. The three ways in which Christ Church is responding to the crisis are:

1. At the church’s 9:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services on Sunday, September 4, Rector David Roseberry will interrupt the current sermon series, “The Bridge Builder” to address the gulf situation with a message of faith, love and hope entitled, “A Bridge Over Troubled Waters”. The congregation is being asked to spread the word that Christ Church will be praying fervently and offering spiritual nourishment for victims and their family and friends. An audio recording of Sunday’s sermon will be available on the following Monday at www.christchurchplano.org

2. Christ Church will be receiving donations over the next two weekends for relief efforts through the Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org and through Samaritan’s Purse, a ministry of Franklin Graham www.samaritanspurse.org. Both agencies are fully mobilized and have earned great respect in their ability to offer real tangible relief in the name of Christ. To make a monetary gift, make checks payable to “Christ Church” and notate "Relief" in the memo line. Bring or mail payments to: Christ Church, 4550 Legacy Drive, Plano, TX 75024. Relief contributions are tax deductible.

3. Christ Church is also exploring ways to get involved in the long-term rebuilding efforts in the decimated areas through the sending of mission teams, building teams and feeding teams.

Of the tragedy, Roseberry said, “It is an unfathomable and unreal situation … and yet our response can be very, very real. Christ Church will work together to build a bridge into the hearts and minds of all those affected and carry across to them the love, care, attention and comfort of Jesus Christ.”

--Christ Church, formed as a mission in 1985, is committed to being a center for evangelism and Christian ministry in the Plano, Texas community and around the world.

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