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New Youth Ministry Resource Focuses on Rooting Students in Jesus

New Youth Ministry Resource Focuses on Rooting Students in Jesus

Sammie Frank
January 23, 2019

Sewickley, PA - Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest abortion-provider and it also teaches sex education in public schools, telling students how to have "safe, healthy sex," and what their options are if they encounter an unwanted pregnancy or STD. They support students in making decisions that, developmentally, they aren't equipped to make, creating potential damage that will last a lifetime. To counter Planned Parenthood and the sexual liberation narrative, we are excited to announce the release of a culturally-relevant, Gospel-centered youth ministry resource called Abundant Life: You Were Made for More!

Development of Abundant Life: You Were Made for More began when Anglicans for Life and Sammie Franks, AFL's Coordinator of Ministry Outreach, recognized the need to equip youth leaders and parents to address the issues of life, identity, and relationship education. This new resource covers topics like healthy relationships, sexuality, dating, decision-making, pornography addiction, identity, social media usage, loneliness, depression, and suicide, all resting on the ultimate redemption found only in Jesus Christ. Author Sammie Franks was inspired to create Abundant Life based on her experience in youth ministry, believing wholeheartedly that when teenagers know what they are worth and whose they are, they will be more inclined to live for Jesus -- following His commandments and walking in His ways.

Sammie has written a comprehensive curriculum to guide them in that commitment. The web-based series has 4 modules made up of 12 teachings, complete with large-group presentations, marketing graphics, supplemental resources, and small group questions.

As the author of Abundant Life, Sammie Franks, notes, "Statistically, the worst thing our culture does for young people is to water down sex education. We misunderstand teenagers when we assume that they are just immature, physically and emotionally, in how they think about relationships. Beneath the physiological realities resides a deep, human desire for connection. We were made for relationships. But we have to recognize that ultimate intimacy comes in our relationship with God. When we fail to help young people navigate how sex and relationships fit into the broader category of life, we are failing the God who created relationships to be deep, bountiful gifts for us. Sadly, 'Generation Z' already believes that Christianity is a religion that has too many rules, many about sex. In fact, they've disconnected sex and relationships so much so that the majority aren't terribly interested in sex itself -- porn is safer to them."

The Rt. Rev. John Guernsey, Bishop of the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, commends this initiative to youth leaders and parents, saying: "Abundant Life: You Were Made for More has a powerful message for the youth in our churches. The idea that we must discover who God created us to be and, more importantly, believe and trust in Him as our foundation before we dive into relationships with others is revolutionary in today's culture. We live in a society that has foolishly redefined 'love' to be selfish, temporary, and contingent on feelings. That isn't love. When we get back to who God is, and who we are because of Him, that definition of love can be transformed."

Taylor, a 21 year old, who has participated in the Abundant Life teaching said, "Not only did this open my eyes to the real definition of purity that the Lord calls us to, but for the first time I understood the very real, tangible impact of past relationships on my future marriage. After hearing the message in Abundant Life, it confirmed the love that the Lord has for me, and how I need Him if I'm ever going to have a relationship with someone else."

Founded 40 years ago, Anglicans for Life is the only Anglican ministry dedicated to educating and equipping the Church to advocate for life - from conception until natural death. To find out more about Abundant Life: You Were Made for More, call 412-749-0455 or visit the web site www.YouWereMadeforMore.org.

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