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NEW ORLEANS NOTES...From My Ear To Yours

NEW ORLEANS NOTES...From My Ear To Yours

By David W. Virtue in New Orleans

"The older I get, the more the Anglican Communion looks like Vaudeville," wrote an orthodox Church of England priest to VOL this week, observing from a distance the meeting of the House of Bishops in New Orleans. No, there have been no mass suicides of TEC bishops clutching cancelled Lambeth invites, either. The invitations have not and will not be withdrawn. And no, the Archbishop of Canterbury has not been lynched by a troop of gay trombonists led by veteran British arch-sodomist Peter Tatchell. And yes, Gene Robinson is almost certain to whine about the Global South's failure to incorporate his brand of sexuality, but he danced into the Press Room to announce that he was going on vacation in 10 days with his significant other. Exit stage left.

The sky has not fallen, but what is at stake here, more than the above humorous ripostes, is the integrity of the gospel which is no laughing matter. The vast majority of bishops are preaching inclusivity and diversity, Millennium Development Goals and social justice rather than redemption, salvation by grace and the time tested truths of Scripture.


More than 25 bishops spoke out today on the various issues facing the church, an orthodox bishop told VOL. "Everything was put out on the table," said the bishop. A number of orthodox bishops are here including Bob Duncan, (Pittsburgh), Jack Iker (Ft. Worth) and Keith Ackerman (Quincy). No sign of Peter Beckwith (Springfield) or John-David Schofield (San Joaquin). Archbishop Williams is in a corner listening to everyone talk and not saying a word. He is taking copious notes, VOL was told. There is also word that several orthodox bishops are NOT staying at the Intercontinental hotel with the rest of the other bishops. I suppose the thinking is, that if a whole bunch of orthodox priests and laity march around the hotel seven times...


Bishop Jeffrey Steenson told VOL that he got an earful from legal beagle David Booth Beers for cutting a deal with the 700-member St. Clements Pro-Cathedral, the largest parish in the Diocese of the Rio Grande, that allowed them to keep their property so they can continue to love and serve the Lord. Never mind that Steenson got $2 million from the deal! It irritated Beers who made vague threatening sounds, but really can't do much about it as the diocese has the final say. BUT what this does say is that Beers is very much in the driver's seat and clearly he is prepared to hit on ANY orthodox bishop who is prepared to cut a deal with evangelical and Anglo-Catholic parishes that want to leave. Steenson saw this as a way to SAVE legal costs as well as saving the church from bad PR. Clearly Beers is speaking for his paymaster Mrs. Schori.


Mrs. Schori tossed a bone to orthodox dioceses contemplating fleeing the Episcopal Church. She told the press that eight bishops are willing to serve as "episcopal visitors" with these dioceses. "It's dead on arrival," said the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Steenson, Bishop of the Rio Grande. "It was a throwaway idea that will get thrown out," he said. When VOL gets the full story, we will post it.


According to the TELEGRAPH newspaper, Dr. Williams has privately warned the American bishops that if they "flatly refuse" to cooperate, he is prepared to humiliate them by stripping them of their voting rights at the showcase Lambeth Conference next year, though he sees this as a last resort.

Yet another source in the Anglican Consultative Council said that since Williams is not planning on making this a legislative Lambeth with resolutions like 1998 (there will be no repeat of Lambeth 1:10), the point is moot.


Archbishop Peter Akinola's desire to postpone Lambeth next year to allow for a cooling off of the Anglican Communion is dead on arrival. It won't happen, said James Rosenthal, Communications director for the ACC. Akinola had asked "as a matter of utmost urgency" for a special session of the Primates Meeting to: Receive the responses made by The Episcopal Church to the Dromantine and Dar es Salaam Communiques and determine their adequacy. Arrive at a consensus for the application of the Windsor Process especially in Provinces whose self-understanding is at odds with the predominant mind of the Communion and to set in motion an agreed process to finalize the Anglican Covenant Proposal and set a timetable for its ratification by individual provinces. "This cannot be done at the Lambeth Conference because it is simply too large and, we all know, the Anglican Covenant requires individual provincial endorsement and signature. Postpone current plans for the Lambeth Conference (as has been done before)."

Last week Lambeth Palace announced funding opportunities for bursaries for bishops to attend the Lambeth Conference. The equivalent of 600 bursaries is their target in 2008 to fund the attendance of bishops, bishop's spouses, translators and youth stewards. The ABC apparently heard from several others about the possibility and nixed it. Events are too far along to change course, VOL was told.


Dr Rowan Williams is in a listening mode, but he has only two days to persuade the American House of Bishops in New Orleans to back off on its pro-gay agenda or face the biggest crisis in Anglican history. He is under enormous pressure, but appears sanguine, say observers. Perhaps he feels resigned. We shall know more ere long.


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