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Militant Episcopal Minority Turns Church Upside Down

Episcopal Gay organization Integrity has less than 2,000 members

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

The Episcopal Church's pansexual organization called Integrity claims to have 1931 members in 57 chapters in the Episcopal Church which boasts 2.4 million members.

A recent survey by those who responded on the ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation of Episcopalians done by the organization revealed that 95 percent or 334 white males were in sympathy with Integrity and TEC's openly homosexual agenda. Only 1 percent (4) were African American, 0 percent were Asian American, (2) while Native Americans made up 0 per cent (2).

On the question about gender, 69 percent (239) were male, 28 percent (99) were female and 1 percent (6) said they were transgendered.

On the question of sexual orientation, 74 percent or 255 said they were homosexual, 17 percent, or 61, said they were heterosexual while 7 percent or 26 said they were bisexual.

All in all, the Episcopal Church USA has single digit African American and Asian American Episcopalians who are sympathetic to pansexual behavior. less Fewer than 350 homosexuals and lesbians - a minute group - have been so loud, noisy and in your face that they have forced a confrontation with the vast majority of Episcopalians who are not homosexuals or homophobic, (most belong to small parishes under 70 that have never seen or had a homosexual in their midst).

This small, vociferous group has been effective in turning the Episcopal Church inside out over sodomy with false and shameful cries of homophobia at anyone who dares question their behavior and aberrant attractions. At the end of the day, they may well be responsible for breaking up the Anglican Communion.

Think about that.

It is not the tens of thousands of alcoholics, recovering or otherwise in The Episcopal Church who are breaking up the communion. Even Gene Robinson, the homoerotic Bishop of New Hampshire who, when he declared himself an alcoholic and went into rehab, never demanded the church accept his drinking (his lover threatened to leave him if he didn't quit). Instead he chose AA and rehab as a way to deal with it.

It is not drug users, drug pushers, wife beaters, adulterers, fornicators, perpetrators of gay on gay violence, or pedophiles who are pushing for their behavior to be accepted. No, it is a small, highly vocal, noisy, crass group of men and women who see their total identity in sexual terms, have grabbed the reins of ecclesiastical power in the Episcopal Church, and demand the church change its teaching.

When the Archbishop of Canterbury travels to New Orleans next week to talk in closed-door sessions with the HOB, he ought to take these figures with him to remind himself and them that the communion stands on the threshold of a schism which is entirely the fault of 350 men and women yelling at the church to accept what they do with their bodies. Perhaps then and only then will Dr. Williams weigh losing most of the African continent for a handful of American sodomites.

He also might want to bear in mind what the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Churches and tens of millions of evangelicals around the world think about sodomy even as his Hegelian mind goes to work looking for a synthesis.


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