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ECUSA: Statistics Show Decline in 2004 - Most Parishes Less Than 100 Members

ECUSA: Statistics Show Decline in 2004 - Most Parishes Less Than 100 Members

Statistical Analysis


An official statistical document from church headquarters in New York, shows that the ECUSA experienced a decline of more than 36,000 members in 2004 and a drop of just more than 27,000 in what the church calls ASA, or Average Sunday Attendance.

The document also shows that 54% of churchs have membership roles of 200 or less, while 62% of churches have an ASA of 100 or less.

Financially, the church received more than $1.2B (billion) in donations and maintains investments exceeding $3.785B.

What does the "average" Episcopal Church parish look like? It has less than 100 members, has lost 10% of its members since last year and has an annual budget of barely $150,000.

Read the official 1 page statistical summary at the following URL:



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