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August 08 2004 By virtueonline Biblical Prayer: Forsaken - Alone?

This is known as the prayer of dereliction. Dereliction means being abandoned. It evokes the sense of a building that is uninhabited, long deserted by its former owners, fallen into disrepair. Jesus, the Son of God, experienced real abandonment by his Father. There is a tear in the heart of the Trinity that reflects the alienation in the universe between a holy God and a sinful human race.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline Having Life to the Fullest

But what if there was something more than just a material description of the good life? What if there was a fuller life beyond material prosperity? What if you were missing out on something that you didn't even know about? What if God intended more than just a good life for you but intended a fuller life? Wouldn't you want to experience it? Of course you would, and so would I.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline Why Did St. Thomas Doubt

He wanted proof. "Unless I see with my own eyes the nail marks in his hand and put my own finger where the nails were, and put my own hand into his side, I will not believe it." Have you had the experience with someone who does not share your faith? They want first hand proof that your experience is valid.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline Protection for the Defenseless

This is the analogy Jesus uses to remind us that we are helpless in the face of those things that prey upon us, those things which threaten our security, those things which frighten us and destroy our peace, those things that seek to snatch us out of the hand of God and destroy our faith, hope and love.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline Biblical Prayer - Your Kingdom Come

So when Jesus first began his ministry in Galilee he proclaimed the good news of God: "The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:15) The kingdom of God came with Jesus. In his life and ministry the kingdom of God arrived. Jesus is the king of the whole earth through whom God will rule.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline God's Two Questions for Believers in the Episcopal Church

Most especially are they questions for those who know Christ and find themselves in the Episcopal Church. The national leadership has chosen to doubt God's Word and substitute human thinking and experience to define faith and morals thus placing itself outside God's Word. This is what happened in Genesis and it's what's happening now. As a result those of us who have been recovered in Christ recognize the spiritual peril the leadership has placed us in.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline The Building of God

"You are God's building. Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you. " (1 Corinthians 3:9,16) The tabernacle, and later the temple, was central to Israel's worship. Even Jesus when on earth upheld the temple as the father's house. The woman of Samaria, raised the age-old question of the correct location for worship.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline The Armor of God. The Breastplate of Righteousness

* To reduce death and disability by encouraging increased wearing of personal body armor.
* To recognize and honor those who, because of wearing body armor, survived life-threatening or life-disabling incidents.
* To serve the law enforcement community by collecting and sharing this important information.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline Encounter With God

Such was the case with a young nobleman named Isaiah. His beloved king had died, and he was in mourning. He went to his church (the Temple) and there experienced a life-changing encounter with God. (Isaiah 6:1-8) What can we learn from his experience to renew us? 1. Focus on the Presence of God.

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August 08 2004 By virtueonline True Religion & Civil Liberty

He was born in the parish of Yester, in Scotland, on the 5th of February, 1722, O.S. And was liberally educated in the University of Edinburgh, invested with holy orders in the year 1743, he faithfully performed the duties of his pastoral charge during five and twenty years, first at Beith, and then at Paisley. Elected president of Nassau Hall, he assumed the duties of that office on the 13th of August, 1768, with the elevated expectations of the public.

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